Infinite Recruiting
Recruitment as an ongoing conversation about growth.
Today recruitment is much more than matching supply and demand.
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Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition: The Role of ChatGPT in Recruiting
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing industries across the board, and the field of talent recruitment is no exception. AI-powered tools like ChatGPT are becoming increasingly popular in the recruiting process due to their ability to automate tasks, improve efficiency,...
Insurance for freelancers: the way to peace of mind
An English philosopher once wrote, “true freedom is reserved for the person who lives by his own work.” That’s exactly what you do as a freelancer, isn’t it? You need to protect that precious freedom as best you can, with...
What are the main challenges for recruiters in 2023?
The process of finding and attracting the right talent is not only complex but also ever-evolving. The workforce, job market, and technology are constantly changing, and recruiters must be able to adapt to these changes if they want to stay...
Networking: The Key to Success for Freelancers
Networking is the Key to Success for Freelancers. Networking is an essential aspect of the freelancing world. It is the process of building and maintaining professional relationships with other individuals and businesses, and it is crucial for freelancers to understand...
Best video interview software for virtual interviews with freelancers
Video interviews have become a popular way for businesses to evaluate job candidates, especially when hiring freelancers. With the rise of remote work and the need for efficient and cost-effective hiring processes, video interviews have become a go-to solution for...
How to evaluate your freelance business?
Before planning your professionnal development as a freelancer for 2023, it’s smart to take the time to review the last 12 months. If you wanna grow your business to success, it’s important to look at what worked for you and...