Marketing, Sales & Digital Freelance Job Offers in Belgium

Find the RIGHT freelance assignment, job, gig (or whatever you want to call it) on-site or hybrid across Belgium or fully remote.
No need to apply to a specific job anymore: freelancers will use AI algorithmic technology to automatically match your profile to hundreds of jobs in our platform with companies.
If it's a match, our algorithm will tell us.

No more long-winded job applications!

We'll match you with your perfect freelance job

Whether it’s because you want to find a new assignment, cope with digital transformation, or not deal with paperwork, let our AI recruitment platform match your CV to our base of companies now.

Automatic AI job application
Quick profile set up & maintenance
100% transparent selection procedure
All-in-one solution for contracts, invoicing, time-management


Freelance job offers in Belgium as digital marketing coordinator, strategist, content marketing specialist, SEO/SEA specialist, email marketing manager, etc.

Freelance marketing opportunities in Belgium are booming. So, if you are looking for a new gig, join Linkus.

We only need your CV in order to make you apply to hundreds of freelance missions in one go. Yes, it is that easy.

Hybrid - Brussels, Belgium

Community manager & social media rockstar


Head of Global Marketing

Hybrid - Antwerp, Belgium

Digital Marketing Manager

Brussels, Belgium

Account Executive

On site - Bornem

Data Analytics & Marketing Automation Specialist


Freelance job offers in Belgium as Sales development representative (SDR), Inside sales representative, Outside sales representative, Account executive (AE), Account manager, Sales manager, etc.

Companies in Belgium and elsewhere are always looking for someone, who can increase their sales.


Freelance sales rep

Antwerp, Belgium

Sales Executive

Gent, Belgium

Junior Sales Specialist


Sales Manager

Gent, Belgium

Senior Sales Specialist


Freelance job offers in Belgium as Product designer, UX designer, Front-end developer, Digital designer, Full-stack developer, Digital copywriter, Digital producer, Interactive project manager. etc.

You probably have noticed how hard it is for Belgian companies to keep up with their much needed digital transformation.

Good for you, right?


Digital Content Manager

Namur, Belgium

Art Director

Halle, Belgium

Digital design lead

Brussels, Belgium

FR/NL copywriter

Brugge, Belgium

Product Designer

Not what you were looking for?

Join Linkus and apply to hundreds of jobs in one single click!

Linkus is taking you beyond this boring idea of having to apply to each single job. Upload your CV and our AI-powered platform will do the rest!