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For Working Class Hero Freelancers in Marketing & Sales
For Rock'n'Roll devoted recruiters and their companies

Meet Linkus. A new revolution in digital recruitment.

We design and develop world-class websites and applications, design better and spend less time without restricting creative freedom.


your CV or your job offer


the fee you desire to work with


the time you are available


the right positions and candidates


in a conversation using our chat


the deal at the best terms and conditions

Here we say a bit more about our USPs and our community

Customize everything you want, switch elements on the go using Linkus.

User-friendly interface
Premium support
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Who could have thought of that!

Everyone should spend their time working, rather than looking for work(ers)!

By joining our international and vibrant community, you join a team with decades of experience in the recruiting industry.


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Made with Love in EU

Linkus Beta is Now Available.

Over 900 job opportunities by a global community.